February 9-11: High-School Men’s Vocation Trip to Milwaukee (HS Only)
Any interested male students will embark on the high school men's vocation trip to Milwaukee on Friday, February 9 at 6 p.m. and will return from a weekend of fun, prayer, basketball, whirly ball, and great community at 5 p.m. Sunday evening!
February 16-17: Women Religious Vocation Trip to St. Paul (HS Only)
Any interested female students will venture to St Paul, MN on Saturday, February 17 at 7:15 a.m. and will arrive back at Regis at 8 p.m. the same day! This adventure-packed day will include encountering sisters from three different religious orders!
March 14-17: Regis Kairos Retreat 2024 (11th & 12th Grade Only)
Regis High School students will launch into the sacredness of the Kairos retreat on Thursday, March 14 at 3 p.m. and will disembark at 5 p.m. Sunday, March 17. Although the students will disembark from their trip, their journey with the Lord will have just begun!
April 4 | 5 | 11: Middle School Class Retreats (MS Only)
A team of Regis High School students will lead the middle schoolers on a day retreat, pointing them to a relationship with Christ. The 6th grade retreat is on April 4, followed by the 8th grade retreat on April 5, and lastly, the 7th grade retreat on April 11.
June 7: “The Answer”: Eucharistic Rally in La Crosse (MS & HS)
Any 6th-12th graders are welcome to rally behind Jesus for the Eucharistic Rally in LaCrosse on Friday, June 7. The group will leave at 8 a.m. and return at 11:30 p.m. This experience includes connecting with Jesus, through live music, confession, speakers, adoration, celebrating the Mass, and more!
June 23-28: Adventure Camp (MS & HS)
Any high school and middle schoolers are welcome to join the adventure with Christ at Crosswoods Adventure Camp in Mason, WI from 12 p.m. June 23 to June 28 at 3 p.m. You won't want to miss the ropes course, ziplining, swimming, the summer bonfires, or the grace to adventure with Christ for the rest of your life!
July 26-28: Steubenville St. Paul (HS Only)
Calling all high schoolers to a life-changing encounter with the Lord at the Steubenville youth conference in St. Paul, MN.! Jump on the bus at 1 p.m Friday, July 26 and return to Regis with the joy of the Lord at 3 p.m. Sunday, the 28.
The grades 6–12 campus ministry program at Regis High School and Regis Middle School involves the entire faith community at the schools. It is a ministerial complex of efforts that seeks to build a living faith community.
The program is attentive to the schools’ Catholic identity, the celebration of the Sacred Liturgy, the quality of religion classes and the witness of students and teachers to the life of virtue.
The campus ministry program at Regis is led by the Regis priest-chaplain who is the the director of campus ministry. The chaplain works closely with the part-time lay campus minister, the service learning coordinator and the religion department in coordinating and implementing the components of the program.
The program entails six components:
- Education
- Liturgy and sacraments
- Retreats
- Pastoral care
- Christian service
- Community-building programs
Educational Component
The educational component includes classroom visitation, lectures and presentations and assistance to the religion department in teaching certain areas of the Faith, especially those in regard to the Theology of the Body. Other academic departments benefit from the campus ministry program’s assistance in teaching areas of the Faith in collaboration with another discipline.
This component assures the full implementation of the religion curriculum framework of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and the diocesan religion curriculum. This component also assists with student assessment of the Faith and its practice through diocesan-approved assessments.
Liturgy Component
The liturgy and sacraments component includes the celebration of the Eucharist, the celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation, communal prayer and other related areas, including the regular opportunity for the adoration of the exposed Blessed Sacrament. This component of campus ministry, with zeal and patience, promotes proper liturgical instruction and the faithful’s active participation in the liturgy, both internally and externally.
This component, combined with the educational component, assures the correct and proper teaching of the Sacred Liturgy, especially the Mass, as the outstanding means whereby the faithful may express in their lives, and manifest to others, the mystery of Christ and the real nature of the true Church.
Retreat Component
The retreat component includes all-school retreats, class retreats and faculty retreats. These retreats contain aspects of forming community, appropriating the Faith, forming Christian conscience, educating for peace and justice, facilitating personal development and developing leaders for the future.
Faculty retreats and religious certification sessions are coordinated by the campus ministry program to facilitate personal development and to assist with Diocesan-required basic and advanced religious certification. Yearly student retreats and the educational component loosely follow the same curriculum so that students are able to live what they are being taught in the classroom through class retreats.
Pastoral Component
The pastoral component includes vocations-awareness, parish and deanery ministry programs, leadership training, assisting with alcohol and drug-abuse programs, suicide-prevention programs, programs on the situation of divorced and single parents and other related issues, including the ethical and moral use of technology and the communications media.
This component, combined with the educational component, assures that the religion curriculum includes the Church’s teaching on the respect for all human life and the universal call to holiness. The full implementation of safe environment teaching and practices is stressed and assured through this component. This component finally stresses and assists parents as the first and prime educators of the Faith for their children.
Service Component
The Christian service component includes collections for relief projects, visitation of nursing homes, community-service projects, tutoring programs and social actions. This component also stresses the missionary nature of the Church and promotes providing assistance to the Diocesan orphanage Casa Hogar Juan Pablo II in Lurín, Peru and Holy Cross Parish in Santa Cruz, Bolivia.
This component, combined with the educational component, assures that the religion curriculum includes components on the essential missionary nature of the Church, on farming as stewardship of the land and on personal stewardship as an essential response of faith.
Community Component
The community-building component includes peer-ministry programs, recycling and other environmental programs, school-promotion activities and faculty involvement in community-building activities.
This component, combined with the educational component, assures the presentation and integration in the religion curriculum of the principles and norms on ecumenism, the formation of consciences for faithful citizenship, the Church’s social teaching and the teaching about the evil of crime, domestic violence, and racism.